New Islamic Directions

By Imam Zaid Shakir

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The Wider Significance of Malcolm X

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Today, MANA: Muslim Alliance in North America joins many other organizations and individuals in commemorating the life of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, more popularly known as Malcolm X. Malcolm was born May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. Ossie Davis famously said in his eulogy for Malcolm, “And if you knew him,… Read More


The Virus Questions America

by Imam Zaid Shakir

I came just like a thief inside the night. Confused you no longer know wrong from right. A plague, a pestilence, a scourge, or worse? I’ll let you know just who I am in verse. A tyrannical king I wear my crown. A novel threat yet… Read More


My Problem with Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

by Imam Zaid Shakir

There are a large number of books that discuss the coming of the Antichrist, known to Muslims as the Dajjal (The Great Deceiver). One can spend a lifetime studying this literature from its myriad angles. The Antichrist as an individual. The Antichrist as a demonic system. The Antichrist in secret… Read More


Who Revived Malcolm X?

by Imam Zaid Shakir

With the release of the Netflix series reexamining the assassination of Malcolm X there is a renewed interest in determining the identity of his killers. It is not my desire to delve into that contentious issue. Rather, during this time when Malcolm’s passing is commemorated by so many, I pray… Read More


Death Comes Suddenly

by Imam Zaid Shakir

This past Sunday Jan. 26. 2020, I was teaching a class at the DarusSalam Seminary in Lombard, Illinois. The class was based on an Arabic book entitled الاستعداد ليوم المعاد (Preparing for the Hereafter). One of the last things we covered before taking a break was the following poem: يا… Read More


Sun Rising Over Snowy Woods

by Imam Zaid Shakir

The sun rises over the snowy woods, And looks into our hearts searching for good. For those who prayed throughout the dark of night, The sun will find a mirror for its light. Or is the mirror that she sees the lake? Adorned with sheets… Read More


Autumn Leaves

by Imam Zaid Shakir

The leaves of Autumn float gently down from the soon to be barren trees. As they quietly populate the ground, layer upon layer, they represent a metaphor for our lives. In the Spring they silently entered into the world, cautiously exiting the little wombs lining the branches, branches which stretch… Read More


Remember Childhood’s Yesterday

by Imam Zaid Shakir

The childish games we used to play, Those playground romps of push and shove, The carefree days of puppy love. How ‘bout those summers long ago When lazy days were all we’d know, Now that we’re grown why does it seem, Our happy days are… Read More


The Blessed Mawlid

by Imam Zaid Shakir

One of the most blessed events in the history of humanity was the birth of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (s) on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal. The gravity of this day is associated with the magnitude of the one born during it. The following narration should suffice in conveying the… Read More


Spiritual Grammar and the Danger of Complaining – Imam Zaid Shakir

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Complaining (shakawa) to other fallible humans has no part in our religion. Sincere advice (nasiha) does. What is the difference between the two? Imam Zaid Shakir explains. Usually, the complaint starts with what we describe as the first person, “I”. For example, “I don’t like…” “I don’t… Read More


Bridging the Scholar/Activist Divide

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Note: The following essay is an introduction I wrote in late 2017 to Imam Dawud Walid’s valuable book, “Towards Sacred Activism.” I am posting it here in hopes that it might bring some clarity on a pressing contemporary issue. It is Allah who facilitates all success. **************************** This work by… Read More


A Response to Ali Al-Arian

by Imam Zaid Shakir

In his recent article, “The political impotence of the Muslim American community,” Ali Al-Arian, among other things, laments the lack of moral integrity and political courage in those leading the American Muslim community. An illustration of this is his blanket condemnation of American Muslim leaders and organizations for not more… Read More


The Flowers of Spring

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Like as the glistening snowflakes adorn the wintery expanses of fields, trees, and rolling hills in a soft blanket of downy frost, so do the flowers of Spring embellish our lives. Their colors charm us, their fragrances permeate into the depths of our souls and their voices join in serenading… Read More


Their Religion is Hate

by Imam Zaid Shakir

We awakened yesterday morning, Easter Sunday, to the news of the horrific slaughter in Sri Lanka. Sensationalizing news organizations rushed to identify the religion of the perpetrators of such a nefarious act. Were they members of the Buddhist majority, the Hindu Tamil Tigers, or were they wretched Muslims who had… Read More


To My Muslim Brothers and Sisters in Christchurch, New Zealand:

by Imam Zaid Shakir

With the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate I extend my deepest condolences to all of those whose family members, loved ones, friends, or acquaintances have been killed or wounded in the recent terrorist attack. Despite the natural and understandable pain following in the immediate aftermath of… Read More


I Stand With Ilhan

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Today marks International Women’s Day. Among other things, the day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the amazing contributions women make to our lives, families and societies. With their grace, dignity, forbearance, sacrifice and courage, women enrich our lives in countless ways. Speaking of courage, what better day… Read More