Covenant of Compassion


March 07, 2016

The following students, representing Zaytuna College, The Graduate Theological Union and UC Berkeley, came together to sign and Covenant of Compassion, drafted by our student, Yusuf Seyal. Here is the text of the Covenant:

“Today, the third of March, two-thousand and sixteen, marks the rise of a new dawn on Holy Hill, an ecumenical consortium of faith based institutions, uniting students of the Graduate Theological Union, UC Berkeley and Zaytuna College to stand together for universal peace.

We, the signatories, believe that communal compassion is created by conscious cooperative efforts that seek to counter the chaotic actions of some, not through violence, but by coming to a common word: Multiplicity in Unity and Unity in Multiplicity.

As citizens of this country, inhabitants of the earth vicegerents of the universe, we are committed to creating a culture of communal compassion within our spheres of influence, confident that our sincere endeavors will permeate generations to come, God willing.”

Hopefully, these courageous young people will become ambassadors of peace in the future and joining with others will help to end the senseless wars slowly destroying our world.