The following is a list of events involving Imam Zaid Shakir in various capacities.
RIS is deeply honored to welcome back Imam Zaid Shakir to this year’s 2024 Conference. Imam Zaid Shakir has graced every RIS with his insight and inspiration, and we’re excited to have him join us again this year.
Join RIS in welcoming Imam Zaid for another unforgettable experience!
Join Imam Zaid Shakir and Imam Siraj Wahhaj for what promises, God willing, to be an incredible program showcasing the phenomenal work my brother Atiba Saleem Jones and his team at SAVE Institute have been doing the last 3 years to uplift humanity through empowering Black boys with holistic education, entrepreneurial and vocational training, spirituality, mentorship, national and international travel, and more.
Stop by to hear Imam Zaid Shakir, Co-founder Zaytuna College,
Dr Adam Hamaway Treated victims in Gaza, Imam Saffet Catovic
Muslim strategy at the UN, and Imam Malik Mujahid President,
Justice For All.
Learn of Human Rights and its importance in the affairs of the UMMAH, inshaAllah.
Join an inspiring evening with Project T.E.A.M. (To Establish A Masjid) and hear from renowned keynote speakers Imam Zaid Shakir and Ustadha Aneesah Dawan, inshaAllah.
Come together with friends and family to help raise funds for a great cause, a night of delicious food, entertainment, and community support. This event is a unique opportunity to support the establishment of a Masjid that will become a hub for worship, knowledge, and community. Be part of this noble endeavor and earn the lasting rewards of contributing to a house of Allah.
Don’t miss out on an evening filled with meaningful insights and the chance to impact our community’s future!
Stop by to hear prominent Muslim scholar and the co-founder of Zaytuna College, Imam Zaid Shakir, speak on the power of Dua, patience, and Allah in times of hardship. The SCSU Muslim Students Association is hosting its final event of the semester 2024, inshaAllah.
This special evening brings together voices of wisdom and vision, with Imam Zaid Shakir of Lighthouse Mosque as our keynote speaker, alongside other inspiring scholars. It’s a night to unite, reflect, and take steps toward meaningful change as a community, inshaAllah.
Don’t miss this opportunity to support Al-Misbaah’s mission and be part of a transformative future.
Join Imam Zaid Shakir - one of America’s most trusted voices for Muslim guidance and resilience - as he offers scholarly wisdom and insight for navigating what lies ahead. With his deep understanding of American history and the Muslim experience in the U.S., Imam Zaid will provide a framework for staying spiritually strong and proactive in the face of potential trials. There will also be live Q&A, so you can ask him your questions directly.
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) presents this weekend: 36 Seconds Film: Portrait of a Hate Crime will be screened at ISNA on Aug. 31 @ 1 PM.
For the first time since the tragic murder of three Muslim college students in Chapel Hill on Feb. 10, 2015, this feature documentary sets the record straight about what transpired on that horrific night and its aftermath.
Discussion panel includes film producer Tarek Albaba, Omar Altalib and Imam Zaid Shakir.
Are you ready for ISNA’s 61st Annual ISNA Convention? Come join Imam Zaid Shakir and other notable Scholars, Activists, and Entertainers!
Imam Zaid Shakir will discuss how consumer wealth wields immense power to drive or detract from good and learn how we can set a solid foundation for the American Muslim community to flourish.