If we lived in sane times, we would be searching for the particular psychosis that afflicted the wretched souls who attempted to shoot up the asinine “Draw Muhammad” gathering in Garland, Texas. Unfortunately, there are plenty of deluded Muslims who will declare the shooters were “defending the honor of the Prophet (peace upon him).” Only someone divorced from reality can see an act which would take the lives of innocent people as defending the honor of the Prophet (peace upon him)?
I ask anyone seeking their glorious three days of Tweeter or Face Book notoriety through a callous act of mass murder to ask themselves the following questions: 1) How can actions that make otherwise unconcerned people hate Islam and its Prophet (peace upon him) be considered in his defense? 2) How can actions that help to move a venomous anti-Muslim hate group from the lunatic fringe to the mainstream of American society be viewed as a defense of the Prophet (peace upon him)? 3) How can actions that help to prepare the psychological climate for a public endorsement of genocidal campaigns against Muslim populations, including the use of nuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction, which Muslim countries, to say nothing of Jihadi mass murderers, have no defense against, be considered defending the honor of the Prophet (peace upon him)?
It is interesting, as Dr. Sherman Jackson points out in his upcoming book on Egypt’s Gama’ah Islamiyya’s renunciation of mass murder mislabeled as “Jihad,” that the realization that they were turning people away from Islam was one of the keys to their rejection of indiscriminate violence. Perhaps no group claiming Islam has chased more people away from Islam, both Muslims and others, than the current array of “Jihadis.”
To any potential miscreant being lured by the failed movements, irrational ideas, and distortions of the Islamic message, which have collectively contributed to the mass death and destruction we see in many parts of the Muslim world, I offer the following advice, taken from an article I wrote a few years ago. It is in a question and answer format.
Question: What is a person who is fed up with America’s murder of innocent Muslims all over the world supposed to do?
Answer: This is a valid and important question. I will make a few recommendations here.
1. America’s foreign policy did not develop overnight, and it will not be changed overnight. It can be changed through hard work and effective alliances. Stupid acts of wild violence only make it more difficult to do that work. Also, realize that you did not create the confusion, weakness, political incompetence and internecine conflicts that prevail in some parts of the Muslim world and that YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR NOR CAPABLE OF FIXING IT. Oftentimes, we become stressed out over things beyond our control. Our Prophet (peace upon him) informed us, “From a person’s Islam being good is his leaving what does not concern him.” What we cannot control is not our concern. On the other hand there is much we are capable of doing here where we live yet we oftentimes neglect those things. We will even run from what we can effectively influence to become caught up in events that we have no ability to influence at all. This is a formula for frustration, ineffective and possibly counterproductive action.
2. Take advantage of the educational opportunities you have and train yourself to do something meaningful for the Muslims and humanity at large. Most people in the average Muslim society have no opportunity for higher education. Here in western societies we do have such opportunities. Instead of brooding about the situation of Muslims in various parts of the world, we should be educating ourselves to able to do something meaningful with our lives that can make a difference in theirs. It has been proven that knowledge indeed translates into power. We should be about the business of empowering ourselves to help others lead better lives, not plotting to their lives and ours even worse.
3. Contribute in a meaningful way to the discourse that is shaping how Americans view Islam. We should not assume that everyone in this country is inherently anti-Muslim. However, if we do not begin educating our fellow citizens about our religion, our community and the struggles of our people, an ever greater percentage of Americans will be prejudiced against Islam and we will have an extremely difficult time changing their attitudes. You can engage in research to help provide refutations of the slanderous and defamatory ideas that are being passed off as Muslim principles and beliefs. You can write or blog. You can teach people about Islam in both formal and informal settings. You can arrange for classes and seminars in public places such as libraries, community centers and similarly places. You can give private presentations in the homes of friends, neighbors and relatives. You can organize book clubs to read and discuss books that portray Islam accurately. If it seems like daunting work, it is, which is why so many run from it.
4. Learn a skill that is needed in the poor countries of the world and spend part of your time serving people in such places. Such skills may include medicine, nursing, computer science, sanitation engineering, environmental science, psychology (as the basis for therapeutic counseling for those who have only known war and destruction for the last thirty years). By serving in these areas you can contribute to the stability of societies that are damaged and dysfunctional after decades of unrelenting violence.
5. Help to serve the incarcerated, recent immigrants, poor, elderly and other populations whose lives are being ravaged by the corporate state. Building bridges with these populations will be a key to creating the kinds of coalitions that can push back in an effective way against the hegemonic materialistic machine that is attempting to actualize its control over all aspects of our lives. As the fiscal crisis of the state deepens there will be more and more people in need of various services. Muslims must step up to do our part in meeting those needs. This is one of the greatest things we can do to counter vociferous anti-Muslim propaganda.
6. Join the work of those organizations whose political vision aims to bring people together and to overcome the divisions and rifts that have separated them. Such work can take place within the context of the electoral political system and in the context of grassroots political education and organization. There are also many Muslim and other sympathetic advocacy groups that are springing up. Get involved with those groups and help to strengthen them both financially and in terms of their human resources.
7. Join the movement to help humanize Muslims to the mainstream society through arts and culture. This movement is powerful and is gaining momentum. The realms of effective communications in this regard include film, art, acceptable genres of music, poetry and many other vistas.
8. Get involved in the antiwar movement. Grassroots antiwar activism was instrumental in ending the Viet Nam War and it is the only thing that will end the so-called “War on Terror.” There are many organizations and online initiatives that need help to enhance their efficacy. Muslims should be involved with such groups in great numbers if we are sincere in our desire to end this current war, which is leading to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and the destruction of their societies.
These are just a few suggestions. If one were to busy himself with just a couple of them, one would be too busy living a purposeful life and would be far less likely to be overwhelmed by the alienation, meaninglessness and ennui that open the door to the delusional appeals of “Jihad.”
See more at: http://www.newislamicdirections.com/nid/articles/answers_to_would-be_mujahids