Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Let us not forget the people in those parts of Pakistan who are suffering from a horrific heat wave. Almost a thousand people have perished, along with almost three thousand earlier this summer in India, may Allah’s mercy envelop them all.
One of the characteristics of Ramadan is mercy. We pray that Allah bestows His mercy upon those who have perished during this disaster by resurrecting them in the highest heights of Paradise, for, as described by our Prophet, peace upon him, they are indeed martyrs in the true sense of the word. We pray that He brings the cooling winds and rains of relief to those still afflicted.
Perhaps the greatest manifestation of His mercy to those suffering from the soaring temperatures is the ability to remain patient and maintain a good opinion of their Lord. Sometimes, when situations arise beyond our control, the best thing we can do for those affected is to encourage them to be patient and to remind them that the reward of their perseverance is Paradise.
Thus, during the height of the persecution of his followers in Mecca, the Prophet, peace upon him, reminded Yasir and his family, which included Sumayya, the first martyr of Islam: “I encourage patience, O family of Yasir! Verily, your promised destination is Paradise.” Hence, during Ramadan, the month of mercy and patience, we encourage all of those suffering from any affliction to be patient, Paradise will be your reward. It is there that the true magnitude of divine mercy will be fully realized.